Thursday, March 8, 2012

South Beach and Me

Guess what! As of today, I have been on the South Beach Diet for a whopping 11 days! If you know me and my love affair with food, this is HUGE!!!! I will be honest though, I haven't been truly faithful with the diet. For the first 9 days I would allow my self 1 "cheat" item. This helped me ease into the diet. I can tell a difference. I have more energy, enough to do a 22 hour day with little caffeine energy. I'm noticing that parts of me are shrinking. Not sure if others notice, but I do, and that is what matters. A friend asked what day of the week I weigh or if I was doing it based on inches. I'm doing neither. I know me. I need to change my relationship with food and not worry about numbers. I going on how I feel and I think I look. I know where I want to be and I know what it's going to take to get there. So, I'm going to continue Phase 1 for another 2 1/2 weeks and then switch to Phase 2. Also, need to start the whole exercise thing. GULP! Not looking forward to that, but it must be done. I have a goal to do PX90 without killing myself. Hmmmmm

Hope everyone has a good day!
