Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sports, Twitter, and everything that goes with them...

It's that time of year when sports fans need ADD meds to keep things straight. Baseball has started, hockey is in playoffs, basketball is wrapping up, and football is in spring practice. Things are basically nuts! As a fan I love this time of year. Everything all at once! My Twitter timeline has  more sports related items than ESPN. Unfortantely, this time of year can bring out the worst in sports fans.
Here recently I've noticed a trend, and not a good one. I'm seeing more and more people go after each other over sports. Smack talk is one thing, but this is worse. A friend described it as vitriol. I agree. People are going after each other with such disgust, disrespect, hurt, and anger. Ugh!
I understand passion for a game or a team. And I understand things said in the virtual world can be misread and misunderstood. But what I'm seeing is unnerving.
I was raised to respect others people's opinions and feelings. I was also taught early on it was ok to agree to disagree. And, as I grew up, I learned the importance of letting things go. There are some out there that need a refresher course in all 3.
People do things you don't agree with. People like teams you don't like. People like other people you don't like. The world doesn't end because 2 people disagree. Agree to disagree and MOVE ON! Let it go. Don't sit there and subtweet, or even direct tweet, for days about it. It makes you look like an ugly ass who deserved to be unfollowed, unfriended, muted, or blocked all together.
Keep it classy people!

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