Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tolerance and respect... Am I in the minority?

In recent weeks, there has been a little too much intolerance by Christians and non Christians alike. It seems many are quick to judge and renounce others simply because they think, act, or believe differently. My question is Why?

I was brought up to treat other with respect and respect their beliefs and opinions. It seems I am in the minority on this. Yes, Phil Robertson said what believed and thought. I applaud him for doing so. It's doesn't matter if I believe the same way he does or not. It doesn't change my view of him. I feel he is probably one of the nicest men you will ever meet. He seems to treat everyone the same and doesn't discriminate. So why was he discriminated against? Because he held an "unpopular" opinion. Those calling for his head should read the response he put out and look at all the facts. He may think being gay is a sin but he isn't going to treat someone who is gay any differently than he treats someone who isn't. That is a key value in Christianity.

This brings me to another issue that seems to be flying under the radar. Katy Perry recently did an interview with Marie Claire. In this interview, she states that she is no longer a Christian. I know people who have renounced her because of this. They are doing things just short of burning her records in the street. The article I read, and that others are reacting to, is a report on the interview and was nicely done. It stated facts only and let the reader make up it's own mind. It didn't slant one way or the other. {link to said article:} Some Christians are renouncing her simply because she said she is no longer a Christian. She still believes in God and has a relationship with Him. She just doesn't claim a religion. Is this really a bad thing? She doesn't believe in a Heaven or Hell. Is this really a bad thing? God's chosen people, the Jews, don't have official beliefs on Heaven and Hell. How is what she believes different? As I read the article, it seems to me she is a Diest. The founding fathers of this great country of ours were more Diest than Christians. 

The point of all this? Think people. What if someone you loved were to say the same things Phil or Katy said? How would you react? How would your world view change? What's so wrong with what they said? If we keep slamming people for what they say, think, and believe, what becomes of us? As people? As a society? 

I'm reminded of the book burning scene in Footloose (1984). At what point does someone stand up and say enough is enough? As mere mortals, who are we to be making decisions as to who or what is burned?

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