Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tolerance and respect... Am I in the minority?

In recent weeks, there has been a little too much intolerance by Christians and non Christians alike. It seems many are quick to judge and renounce others simply because they think, act, or believe differently. My question is Why?

I was brought up to treat other with respect and respect their beliefs and opinions. It seems I am in the minority on this. Yes, Phil Robertson said what believed and thought. I applaud him for doing so. It's doesn't matter if I believe the same way he does or not. It doesn't change my view of him. I feel he is probably one of the nicest men you will ever meet. He seems to treat everyone the same and doesn't discriminate. So why was he discriminated against? Because he held an "unpopular" opinion. Those calling for his head should read the response he put out and look at all the facts. He may think being gay is a sin but he isn't going to treat someone who is gay any differently than he treats someone who isn't. That is a key value in Christianity.

This brings me to another issue that seems to be flying under the radar. Katy Perry recently did an interview with Marie Claire. In this interview, she states that she is no longer a Christian. I know people who have renounced her because of this. They are doing things just short of burning her records in the street. The article I read, and that others are reacting to, is a report on the interview and was nicely done. It stated facts only and let the reader make up it's own mind. It didn't slant one way or the other. {link to said article:} Some Christians are renouncing her simply because she said she is no longer a Christian. She still believes in God and has a relationship with Him. She just doesn't claim a religion. Is this really a bad thing? She doesn't believe in a Heaven or Hell. Is this really a bad thing? God's chosen people, the Jews, don't have official beliefs on Heaven and Hell. How is what she believes different? As I read the article, it seems to me she is a Diest. The founding fathers of this great country of ours were more Diest than Christians. 

The point of all this? Think people. What if someone you loved were to say the same things Phil or Katy said? How would you react? How would your world view change? What's so wrong with what they said? If we keep slamming people for what they say, think, and believe, what becomes of us? As people? As a society? 

I'm reminded of the book burning scene in Footloose (1984). At what point does someone stand up and say enough is enough? As mere mortals, who are we to be making decisions as to who or what is burned?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Congratulations Coach!

Former University of Tennessee Head Coach Phillip Fulmer can now say he is a Hall of Famer. It is a well deserved honor. I will let his record speak for itself. I know there are some who want to focus on the negative things of his time at Tennessee. Everyone is entiled to their opinion. Positive or negative is not the point of this post.

Jayson Swain (@JaysonSwain) posted to twitter this morning and posed the question of what is your favorite Fulmer memory. I replied with Fulmer's last game. I was honored to be in the stands for his last home game. I loved how the players respected the man enough to hoist him over their heads and carry him off the field. To me that says something about his character as coach and as a man. But that isn't my favorite memory. It's the memeory that is less than 140 characters.

My favorite memory is passion he showed for the game, the school, and the players.

Growing up in East Tennessee you can become numb to all the orange and the hype. I really didn't start enjoying football till about 8th grade. I was a band geek and knew I needed to know what was going to happen every Friday night from August to December. It was during this time I saw Coach Majors leave and Coach Fulmer arrive. I can honestly say Coach Fulmer is the reason I love Tennessee football. He made me want to watch. I'm not proud that it took me till his last season to see a game in person but I'm glad I got to see most of his last season at Neyland.

So, Mr. Swain there's your answer. Coach Fulmer is my favorite memory Coah Fulmer memory. He got to coach for a program he loved at a school he loved. And it showed!

Congratulations Coach Fulmer! It is a well deserved honor!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sports, Twitter, and everything that goes with them...

It's that time of year when sports fans need ADD meds to keep things straight. Baseball has started, hockey is in playoffs, basketball is wrapping up, and football is in spring practice. Things are basically nuts! As a fan I love this time of year. Everything all at once! My Twitter timeline has  more sports related items than ESPN. Unfortantely, this time of year can bring out the worst in sports fans.
Here recently I've noticed a trend, and not a good one. I'm seeing more and more people go after each other over sports. Smack talk is one thing, but this is worse. A friend described it as vitriol. I agree. People are going after each other with such disgust, disrespect, hurt, and anger. Ugh!
I understand passion for a game or a team. And I understand things said in the virtual world can be misread and misunderstood. But what I'm seeing is unnerving.
I was raised to respect others people's opinions and feelings. I was also taught early on it was ok to agree to disagree. And, as I grew up, I learned the importance of letting things go. There are some out there that need a refresher course in all 3.
People do things you don't agree with. People like teams you don't like. People like other people you don't like. The world doesn't end because 2 people disagree. Agree to disagree and MOVE ON! Let it go. Don't sit there and subtweet, or even direct tweet, for days about it. It makes you look like an ugly ass who deserved to be unfollowed, unfriended, muted, or blocked all together.
Keep it classy people!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

South Beach and Me

Guess what! As of today, I have been on the South Beach Diet for a whopping 11 days! If you know me and my love affair with food, this is HUGE!!!! I will be honest though, I haven't been truly faithful with the diet. For the first 9 days I would allow my self 1 "cheat" item. This helped me ease into the diet. I can tell a difference. I have more energy, enough to do a 22 hour day with little caffeine energy. I'm noticing that parts of me are shrinking. Not sure if others notice, but I do, and that is what matters. A friend asked what day of the week I weigh or if I was doing it based on inches. I'm doing neither. I know me. I need to change my relationship with food and not worry about numbers. I going on how I feel and I think I look. I know where I want to be and I know what it's going to take to get there. So, I'm going to continue Phase 1 for another 2 1/2 weeks and then switch to Phase 2. Also, need to start the whole exercise thing. GULP! Not looking forward to that, but it must be done. I have a goal to do PX90 without killing myself. Hmmmmm

Hope everyone has a good day!


Sunday, January 15, 2012


Everyone has things in their past that shape them as a person. It wasn't until recently that I realized how much some of my past actions shape me as a person. There are some things that I do that may seem irrational to some but make sense to me. There have been times when I have felt that I needed to apologize for who I was and the way I acted. Based on past experiences, it was what I was supposed to do. I realize now that I should not ever have to apologize for who I am. So, who am I?

I am a woman who loves with all her heart. Some say I give it too freely, but I don't feel that I do.
I am a friend. If I call you friend, know that the title of friend come with me and all my quirks. I am there when you need me and I expect the same in return.
I expect honesty of those closest to me and I give honesty in return.
Respect is something that is earned. And I will be the first to tell you that there is no hard and fast rule to how earn respect from me.
Along with all of this comes trust. Trust is earned and given with the stipulation that if you break it, there will be no more.
I am a caregiver. I have a tendency to try to take care of the people I care for the most. It is something I have always done. It is something that I will always do.
I am someone who puts my own personal needs and wants to the side to make sure the people I care for are taken care of. This is hard for some to understand. But it is how I was raised.

I'm not saying that I don't struggle with these things, because I do, daily. I'm saying this is me and don't try to change me, just try to understand me.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Caution: Fragile

It's Thursday night and I'm ready for this week to be over! Thanks to others I have had to relive a time in my life that I would rather not repeat. At least this time I knew what to do and could control the fallout. Years ago I wasn't so lucky. It just reminds me of how fragile trust is and how people can twist words and situations to fit their needs.

Things in our past shape who we are now. This statement is especially true in this situation. I've been told before that I don't let people in and I don't trust easily. It's true. But what most don't know is there is a backstory as to why. It isn't something that is for public consumption. It's an experience that I alone own.

I think at times people jump to conclusions about how people should or would act in given situations. Then they are surprised when you don't do what they expect. Just keep in mind there may be a backstory as to why the person goes with the unexpected. I think we need to spend less time being appalled by actions and spend more time finding out the reason behind the actions.

Take time to get to know people. Build and maintain friendships and relationships. Build and keep the trust. Because without trust, you have nothing.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Well here we go…

Hello All!

I finally did it. I've started a blog. Now as to what you going to find in this blog I have no clue. It mainly going to be randomness that comes to mind, mainly what won't fit in 140 characters. From time to time you may even see some of my poetry show up. Feel free to leave comments. But only those that are deemed constructive and praising will be taken to heart.
